Essex, Montana (Glacier National Park)
X-C Ski Trip - College of DuPage
March 4 to 12, 2000
Background art:
"Ski with COD 2000"
by Joe Benigni.
This trip to the
Izaak Walton Inn
at the southern edge of Glacier National Park
was organized by the
College of DuPage
field studies program.
To get to the field studies program web pages try their
funky "splash" page
or go directly to their
main page.
Tom's pictures from the trip.
Peter's pictures from the trip.
Participants Photo
web site showing photography by
Izaak Walton Inn chef Richard J. Kern [no longer on-line].
Topo map of our Marias Pass hikes.
Note that this is a very large file - about 900 KB.
Marias Pass is roughly in the middle of the right edge of the map.
Topo map of the area around the Izaak Walton Inn.
This is also a very large file - about 1.1 MB.
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